Monday, January 19, 2015

Paper shoe process

Paper Wallabees

To recreate the classic (Clarks) Wallabee shoe, I began by formulating a paper mock-up. This included measuring the sole, side panels, tongue, and laces of the physical shoe. The paper draft was held together with minimal amounts of tape and glue, so that no adhesive could be seen as distracting.

In process (1) Measurements 

In process (2) Problem solving

In process (3) Comparison

A Few of My Favorite Things

Mixing & Matching My Favorite Things

Let's assume that family, friends, and loved ones 
are already at the top of my list. 
These are a few more of my favorite things:

(1) Gardening: Connection to the Earth
(2) Morning coffee: Serenity
(3) Traveling: Exploration
(4) Health & Fitness: Energy
(5) Crafting: Relaxation
(6) Design: Inspiration
(7) Cooking: Creativity